Source code for

import os
from subprocess import Popen, CalledProcessError
from os import makedirs, remove
from os.path import isdir, isfile, exists, basename, dirname
from shutil import copyfile, copytree, rmtree

[docs]def call(args, cwd=None): ''' Perform new processing :param list[str] args: :param str cwd: ''' exit_code = Popen(args, cwd=cwd).wait() if exit_code != 0: raise CalledProcessError(exit_code, args)
[docs]def cp(src, dest, exist_ignore=True): ''' Copy file or directory :param str src: :param str dest: :param bool exist_ignore: ''' if isdir(src): return _cp_dir(src, dest, exist_ignore) else: return _cp_file(src, dest, exist_ignore)
[docs]def rm(path, exist_ignore=True): ''' Remove files :param str path: :param bool exist_ignore: ''' if (not exists(path)) and exist_ignore: return if isdir(path): rmtree(path) else: remove(path)
[docs]def mkdir(path): ''' Create new directory :param str path: ''' if not isdir(path): makedirs(path)
[docs]def chmod(path, mode): ''' Change mode of file :param str path: :param int mode: ''' os.chmod(path, mode)
[docs]def touch(path, mode): ''' Create new empty file :param str path: :param int mode: ''' mkdir(dirname(path)) f = open(path, 'w+') f.close() os.chmod(path, mode)
def _cp_dir(src, dest, exist_ignore): if isdir(dest): dest_dir = os.path.join(dest, basename(src)) if isdir(dest_dir) and exist_ignore: return dest_dir copytree(src, dest_dir) return dest_dir else: copytree(src, dest) return dest def _cp_file(src, dest, exist_ignore): if isfile(dest) and exist_ignore: return dest if isdir(dest): dest_file = os.path.join(dest, basename(src)) copyfile(src, dest_file) return dest_file else: copyfile(src, dest) return dest