Source code for

from collections import deque

from .label import read_stamp, COM_DPDC_ATTR
from .type import Primitive, Component
from .error import CircleComError, ComExistError, ComDepedencyError, \
                   ComCreationError, InjectorLoadingError, PrimError

[docs]class Injector(): ''' Object management ''' def __init__(self): self._com_dict = {} self._com_layer = [] self.com_inst = {} self._loaded = False
[docs] def add_prim(self, com_obj): ''' Put an instance of component under management. Instance MUST be primitive :param com_obj: :raise ComExistError: :raise ComDepedencyError: ''' com_type = type(com_obj) if not issubclass(com_type, Primitive): raise TypeError( '%s is not subclass of %s' % (com_type, Primitive) ) if com_type in self._com_dict: raise ComExistError(com_type) if len(read_stamp(com_type, COM_DPDC_ATTR)) > 0: raise ComDepedencyError(com_type, 'MUST NOT contains dependency') self._com_dict[com_type] = [] self.com_inst[com_type] = com_obj
[docs] def add_com(self, com_type): ''' Put an component under management :param class com_type: :raise ComExistError: ''' if com_type in self._com_dict: raise ComExistError(com_type) self._com_dict[com_type] = read_stamp(com_type, COM_DPDC_ATTR)
[docs] def add_coms(self, com_types): ''' Put components under management :param list[class] com_types: ''' for com_type in com_types: self.add_com(com_type)
[docs] def load(self): ''' Start to create instances of all of components ''' self._expand_com() self._mkcom_layer() self._mkcom_instance() self._loaded = True
[docs] def ref(self, com_type): ''' Return reference to component :param class com_type: :rtype: object ''' self._must_loaded() if com_type not in self.com_inst: return None return self.com_inst[com_type]
[docs] def sub_ref(self, com_type): ''' Return references to components which extends from com_type :param class com_type: :rtype: list[object] ''' self._must_loaded() coms = [] for key in self.com_inst: if isinstance(self.com_inst[key], com_type): coms.append(self.com_inst[key]) return coms
def _must_loaded(self): if not self._loaded: raise InjectorLoadingError() def _expand_com(self): com_queue = deque(self._com_dict.keys()) while len(com_queue) > 0: com_type = com_queue.popleft() req_coms = read_stamp(com_type, COM_DPDC_ATTR) if com_type not in self._com_dict: self._com_dict[com_type] = req_coms for req_com in req_coms: if not issubclass(req_com, Component): raise TypeError( '%s is not component in %s' % (req_com, com_type) ) if req_com not in self._com_dict: com_queue.append(req_com) def _mkcom_layer(self): com_list = list(self._com_dict.keys()) while len(com_list) > 0: layer = [] for com_type in com_list: in_layer = True for req_com in self._com_dict[com_type]: if req_com in com_list: in_layer = False break if in_layer is True: layer.append(com_type) com_list.remove(com_type) if len(layer) == 0: raise CircleComError(com_list) self._com_layer.append(layer) def _mkcom_instance(self): for layer in self._com_layer: for com_type in layer: if com_type in self.com_inst: continue if issubclass(com_type, Primitive): raise PrimError(com_type, 'has not instance') arg_types = tuple([t for t in self._com_dict[com_type]]) args = tuple([self.com_inst[t] for t in arg_types]) try: self.com_inst[com_type] = com_type(*args) except TypeError as e: raise ComCreationError(com_type, args)